• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The field of mathematics and sciences known as mechanics is concerned with the interactions between force, substance, and motion among physical objects (from the Ancient Greek: v, mkhanik, lit. “of machines”
When forces are applied to objects, the position of the object in relation to its surroundings is changed.This field of physics’ theoretical expositions have its roots in Ancient Greece, such as in the works of Aristotle and Archimedes (see History of classical mechanics and Timeline of classical mechanics).
Scientists like Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, and Newton built the groundwork for what is now referred to as classical mechanics during the early modern era.In its role as a division of classical physics, mechanics deals with objects that are either stationary or moving at speeds that are considerably lower than the speed of light.

In its role as a subfield of classical physics, mechanics deals with objects that are either stationary or moving at speeds that are considerably slower than the speed of light.
It can alternatively be described as the branch of physical research that studies the forces acting on and the motion of non-quantum things.

Mechanics is the branch of science which studies the movement of material systems and their deformations, in relation to the forces which cause or modify this movement or these deformations. It therefore aims to describe and predict the movements of inert matter, celestial bodies or living organism

In everyday language, mechanics is the field of machines, engines, vehicles, organs gears, pulleys, belts, crankshafts, transmission shafts, pistons, in short, everything that produces or transmits a movement, a force, a deformation.

We thus speak of general mechanics, mechanical engineering, automobile mechanics, mechanical sports, naval mechanics, celestial mechanics, quantum mechanics of mechanical resistance of materials

Associated sciences

Mechanics is the branch of science which studies the movement of material systems and their deformations, in relation to the forces which cause or modify this movement or these deformations. It can be considered as a part of physics.

It therefore aims to describe and predict the movements of inert matter, celestial or quantum bodies or living  organisms (biomechanics) and includes in particular:

Classical mechanics, also called Newtonian, deals with the kinematic study (study of movement without being interested in its cause), static and dynamic of a system, whether it is a simple system (point mechanics) or a complex system ( general mechanic).

Celestial mechanics studies the movements of celestial bodies. Statistical mechanics studies systems with a large number of components, such as gases, composed of billions of molecules.

Physical mechanics deals with systems that have physical behaviors such as fluid mechanics, continuum mechanics, corresponding to a mechanics of deformable systems.

Quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of physical systems at the particle scale.Relativistic mechanics deals with systems moving at speeds close to that of light.  Static mechanics is the branch of physics that studies mechanical systems at rest in a Galilean frame.

Biomechanics deals with the deformation of living bodies, in particular the human body, for example in the event of shocks (eg vehicle crash) or significant accelerations (eg air combat).

Physical acoustics is the branch of mechanics that studies small vibrational motions in solids, liquids or gases.
Mechatronics deals with the engineering of active mechanical objects, whose kinematics, deformations, dynamic behaviors are measured or even controlled by electronic devices

Technologies and techniques

Mechanics is also the set of technologies and techniques, which make it possible to design and manufacture parts as well as mechanical assemblies:

,cast,forging,machining,cutting,stamping,die-stamping,stampingsnacking,assembly,keying.riveting bolting, screwing.welding,collage,fretting,heat treatment,surface treatment,foundry,plastic injection,tribology

Classical mechanics, also called Newtonian, deals with the kinematic study (study of movement without being interested in its cause), static and dynamic of a system, whether it is a simple system (point mechanics) or a complex system ( general mechanic).

Celestial mechanics studies the movements of celestial bodies.

Statistical mechanics studies systems with a large number of components, such as gases, composed of billions of molecules.

Continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, corresponding to a mechanics of deformable systems
Static mechanics is the branch of physics that studies mechanical systems at rest in a Galilean frame.

Biomechanics deals with the deformation of living bodies, in particular the human body, for example in the event of shocks (eg vehicle crash) or significant accelerations (eg air combat). Acoustics is the branch of mechanics that studies small vibrational motions in solids, liquids, or gases.

Mechatronics deals with the engineering of active mechanical objects, whose kinematics, deformations, dynamic behaviors are measured or even controlled by electronic devices (eg sensors, computers, actuators) and digital (eg software).

Mechanics is also linked to the following scientific fields:

Energetics, which is the study of energy transfer
Thermal, which is the study of heat transfer
To study and solve a mechanical problem, there are multiple approaches, including:

modeling: analytical approach
experimentation: experimental approach
numerical simulation: numerical approach

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